Tuesday, September 29, 2009


cak!!! come again today..waaa i hope today is beter than yesterday... do i???

Wat The FisH is TodAY?? i f0Und MyseLf KeNe deLeTe nGan My MemBer~~ WaT The we CaLL That?? Like a chIld TheN... d0nT waNt t0 bE My freNz Or wat??? We R n0W 21 loooo
huishh StiLl naK gaDo2x Ke??? xpaHam Ler CAnt UndeRsTanD waT inSide TheiR mind...
n Now I feel Like l0se 2 oF m fwenz...zzzzz (Dislike ThiS s0 MucH or hate This so Much)

hate..hate..hate :(

s0 jauHkaN diRi andA dr keCelaKAan...Jgn BiArkan Diri AndA diSeluBungI miSteri...hAhahA...
sePOrti LAgu si '2NE1' dr KoreA Die Kater -----> 'I dOnt CarE... eeee...eee...eee....eee...eee'

p/s : NaK MulEr IduP bAru...Nak Jd EpPy cAm DulU2..Xm0 PenIn2 Da... But StiLL PenINg ngaN FYP... Grrr GeraM akU..NApe LA kenE uAt FYP.... KalU la DpaT manSuhkAn... zzzz